Dear all,

Please take note that the requirement is unrar and it is free. Rar is non free


On 8 Jul, 2013, at 11:36 PM, "Shawn Webb" <> wrote:

> Attempting to find out who the maintainer is resulted in this IRC
> conversation:
> 11:24 < lattera> anyone know where I can go to find out who the maintainer
> is for the clamav package?
> 11:24 < lattera> I think it's this guy, but the link he gives that says
> "these are the packages I maintain" doesn't reference clamav:
> 11:25 < nirik> lattera: why does it matter? did you find a bug?
> 11:25 < lattera> he's set clamav to not support rar files
> 11:25 < lattera> we need him to add rar file support
> 11:25 < lattera> (we being the core clamav development team)
> 11:26 < nirik> please file a bug.
> 11:26 < nirik> sadly rar is a horrible non free format, so not sure it can
> be supported.
> 11:31 < lattera> it was supported for 0.97.7 but the support for it was
> removed by the package maintainer (even though support for rar is still
> included in the clamav code) after we released 0.97.8 and the package
> maintainer updated the package
> 11:32 < nirik> until recently there was no rar support in fedora or epel.
> On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 11:15 AM, Joel Esler <> wrote:
>> On Jul 7, 2013, at 11:51 AM, Nicholas Chua <>
>> wrote:
>>>>> Don't seem to have that library
>>>> compiled from source ?
>>>> its part of clamav this lib
>>>> maybe just have an old lib that is not working with 0.97.8 installed ?
>>>> clamconf shows imho compile options, cant remember if it can be
>>>> disabled, since i use gentoo where it works
>>> installed from epel repo and clamconf shows --disable-unrar
>>> So i uninstall it and installed 0.97.7 from rpmforge
>>> clamscan test.rar
>>> test.rar: Win.Trojan.PSW-13 FOUND
>>> Will be sticking to this version until someone build it with rar support
>> for 0.97.8.
>> Instead of me having the scour the internet, can someone pass me the email
>> address for the package maintainer here, and I’ll try and coordinate with
>> them to fix this problem in their build?
>> Thanks.
>> --
>> Joel Esler
>> Senior Research Engineer, VRT
>> OpenSource Community Manager
>> Sourcefire
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