OK, there is a bit of a translation error here.  We are no longer
selling commercial support for deployments of ClamAV.  We do of course
continue to produce signatures that are available to all users of
Robin, can you email me privately the name of your sales manager so I
can get in touch with him to clear this up?


On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 4:32 AM,  <robin.wakefi...@ubs.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Our regional SourceFire sales manager has made the following statement:
> ==== I can confirm as discussed that the product (ClamAV) is now
> officially no longer supported as a product and therefore you will no
> longer receive signatures. ====
> Can anyone clarify what this means in terms of continuing to download
> new signature files via freshclam?  Or are signature file updates to
> cease?
> Regards,
> Robin
> _______________________________________________
> Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit http://wiki.clamav.net
> http://www.clamav.net/support/ml
Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit http://wiki.clamav.net

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