On 05/14/2012 12:18 PM, Teresa K. Fowler wrote:

I do hope I have clarified things for you, if not just ignore this posting
except for the etiquette of not top posting.
Jim Preston
Dear Jim Preston, You have explained everything beautifully, clearly even
for me, a right-brain writer, and sadly NOT a computer engineer. Therefore I
will stay with ClamWin, because I have neither the expertise nor time to go
with ClamAV.  Most of these false positives I just wait out, because someone
more computer brilliant than me always reports, and the problem goes away.
This one hung on, and no one else seemed to be talking about it, so I did my
best to contribute. Thank you for clearing up all the remaining issues and
alerting me that the problem has been solved in the past few days.  I will
take your advice and update Clamwin to the latest signatures, then reinstall
Google Chrome one more time.

Teresa K. Fowler

PS: Have you considered writing computer texts for non-engineers?  You have
a gift for putting your finger on all the elusive background gaps in
knowledge that prevent learning advancement, and for filling in those gaps
everyone else assumes "everyone" knows with clear information delivered in a
friendly, non-condescending tone absent in many tutorials.  And without the
jocular yatayatayata of some books such as the "For Dummies" series.  Will
you post your above to the Clamwin mailing list?  If not, with your
permission, and if you think it is still necessary, I will post a summary
including your response on the list where I might better have started this

PPS:  Do I get bottom posting now?  Seems backwards.

Yes, you have the bottom posting correct now. Having spent 30 years in the corporate world, it was weird at first but I like it much better now.

Thanks, I actually spent a great deal of my working career in support so I have developed a knack for explaining things at at a level I hope the recipient will understand. Feel free to post any portion of this thread on the ClamWin forum. Although some of my clients use ClamWin, I am not signed up on that mailing list at this time.

Best of luck and let me know if updating and reinstalling Chrome works.

Jim Preston

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