On 05/13/2012 03:00 PM, Teresa K. Fowler wrote:
Could my culprit be ClamWin?  I started out with ClamWin years ago,
following download links recommended by my ISP/computer repair service.  I
thought it was the same thing as ClamAV, that ClamAV was the new name, or
ClamWin was the free edition.  What I am actually running is ClamWin Free
Antivirus, a.k.a. ClamWin Antivirus.  I thought I had the same thing used by
my ISP to scan email.  What do I do?  Uninstall ClamWin and install ClamAV?

Hi Teresa,
A couple of things, contrary to most corporate mail, this forum uses bottom posting meaning that you add your comments at the bottom of the posting rather than on top. Normally non relevant portions are then snipped out as I have done here. There are two main reasons for this:
Firstly, it reduces the size of the emails
Secondly, it makes logical sense as there is your question / query / comment is at the top of the email (forum posting) and the response is at the bottom.

Corporate email tends to top post as the number of people involved are limited and mostly fixed and the recipients are mostly interested in just the latest response. Since this is mailing list, you never know who is going to reply and old "stuff" in the posting is just noise for the most part.

You are posting to the ClamAV Users Mailing List. Your best solution at this point is to post to the ClamWin mailing list, http://www.clamwin.com/content/view/123/90/ where those users will be in a better position to directly solve your issues. This mailing list is primarily concerned with the engines (scanning, updating, false positive, etc) and addressing issues relating to not being able to compile the software from source code, crashing of the scan engines, falsely reporting malware in files that are clean, and things like that. Your problem is specific to ClamWin and it's quarantining of files.

It is a little confusing but .... ClamWin is a 'complete' solution for the Microsoft Windows platform. ClamAV is at the heart of the various platform solutions of which ClamWin is one. Each of the 'complete' solutions are maintained by their own developers using the free and open source scan technology provided by ClamAV.

Specifically from your original post, you were reporting a problem with the Google Chrome files being quarantined. That was an example of a false positive which was corrected a few days ago (I do not remember exactly when as I was not directly affected by the false positive). If that is your only "true" issue, updating to the latest signatures and reinstalling Google Chrome should resolve the issue.

ClamAV itself, is primarily used by mail servers to scan mail before passing it on to end users or forwarding to other mail servers. ClamAV just scans files and other streams of data looking for malware. The ClamAV engines just report if malware was found and do not quarantine, clean, or do anything else with the files. When using clamscan or other feature of ClamAV to scan a platform, it is up to the user to decide what to do with the reported files. Due to the issue this leaves for the "average" user, other developers have provided more complete solutions such as ClamWin.

What do I do?  Uninstall ClamWin and install ClamAV?

If you choose to go with just ClamAV, then you will have to accept the responsibility of what to do when a scan reports malware. Nobody but you can decide if you have the expertise and time to take on this responsibility. See what the ClamWin support forum can provide before you make the leap to abandon ClamWin.

I do hope I have clarified things for you, if not just ignore this posting except for the etiquette of not top posting.

Jim Preston

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