On 09/07/2011 11:14 PM, Al Varnell wrote:
Before I respond I think I should describe my role in this community. I
provide uncompensated tech support on the ClamXav forum, so I attempt to keep
my system configured as close to defaults as possible, since that's what most
users do.
On Sep 7, 2011, at 9:49 PM, Jim Preston<jimli...@commspeed.net> wrote:
I do see your concern if as your log shows you are only checking twice a
day.... Missing an update extends the stale db quite a bit.
Three questions;
Do you have both of these lines in your freshclam.conf?
DatabaseMirror db.us.clamav.net
DatabaseMirror database.clamav.net
What is your max retry before failure? Default is 3
Yes to all three, but most of the users I assist do not update the country code.
How many updates are you making? Default in freshclam says it is every 2 hours
or 12/day but ..... you do not seem to be making that many based on your log
Just two, but that actually more than meets my needs. Most ClamXav users
update as needed or once a day, at most. I do help a few sysadmins with
critical server responsibilities who require 12 or more updates a day, however.
One of them reported 30 failures involving this server in a 24-hour period
involving multiple machines.
Right / wrong / or indifferent, I am running freshclam once an hour off the
hour. I am doing this via a cron task and select the execution minute. To help
reduce load, I do not run it on the hour but have selected sometime after the
ClamXav just switch from using cron to lauchd, which has been the preferred
method for event scheduling in Mac OS X for some time. So right now I have one
event scheduled by launchd and a legacy event using cron to troubleshoot
various issues concerning both. Appreciate the input, but the issue I am
trying to solve here is simply to improve the reliability of the CVD mirror
network for US users.
Sent from Janet's iPad
Thanks Al,
The first line it the most telling. I was not aware of this and the
service you are providing, and well.... my bad, just made an assumption
you were just bitching for the sake of bitching without making simple
modifications to your system. I have read many of your posts and should
have realized there was a deeper reason.
I am not going to go through the previous posts to be sure, but ...... I
do not remember (at least in this last server issue) that you were
supporting CLamXav. I too support and have several Apple OS X systems
and am aware of the launchd preference over cron but that is a separate
bitch of mine to be take up on an Apple forum ;-)
The last issue is what is the default country code for ClamXav? I have
not installed or configured ClamXav for a long time. I know that the
default source build for clamav is #DatabaseMirror db.XY.clamav.net and
by incorrect default configuration just uses DatabaseMirror
database.clamav.net. Again, this is not for this list to discuss
specifically, but if ClamXav users are not selecting the proper database
round robin for their locale, may be the package maintainers should
force an interactive selection during the installation / configuration.
Thanks for allowing me to put in my 2 cents and and "no" I am not trying
to start a flame war nor looking for a response from anyone but Al.
Jim Preston
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