On Sep 7, 2011, Luca Gibelli <l...@clamav.net> wrote:

> Hello Al, 
>> error. Since that time each of two updates on 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 Sep have 
>> started with that same server and erred with the following: 
>> > connect_error: getsockopt(SO_ERROR): fd=4 error=61: Connection refused 
>> > Can't connect to port 80 of host db.US.clamav.net (IP: 
>> That status page has shown some issues with that server each day, but 
>> nothing like what I am seeing. 
> the admin of akxnet.de has limited the amount of concurrent connections 
> on the mirror. Depending on traffic, you may get a connection 
> refused error, but it's nothing to worry about. 
> freshclam will just try to connect to another mirror in the RR. 
Yes, I am aware of that, in fact it did so in every case and since I do updates 
on a scheduled basis, it's no real impact.  The problem comes when a user has 
need for a spontaneous scan of a file and requests a definition update before 
the scan.  At this point he must wait an additional 30 seconds which, over the 
course of a day, results in unacceptable (to him) non-productive time.  In his 
view, such a connection error should result in a failure being logged and 
eventually blacklisting that server.  I suggested to him that he file a bug 
report to thst effect, but the problem at that time was resolved, so elected 
not to bother.

Sent from Janet's iPad

Al Varnell
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