On 6/28/11 4:18 PM, Jerry wrote:
You are running an older version of FreeBSD. Is it possible to update
to the latest version? If not, have you tried updating your kernel?
Perhaps that might alleviate your problems. Actually, I think updating
to "8.2" might be the answer though. By the way, did you install Clamav
via the ports system or via a package?

via ports.. enabled bytecode, disabled tests, and, out of dozens of systems running amd64, only two (so far) have hung. that actually doesn't mean the i386 systems WON'T die, they (coincidentally) are smaller systems that process far less traffic.

and we never have ever had clamav just 'die' on us, not without a reason, like a bad dat file from clam or google. so, I really don't want to upgrade to 8.2 just to have clamav die randomly like yours does ;-)

Michael Scheidell, CTO
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