The very latest update causes the following debug output. A quick search on twitter finds someone else with similar issues too.
@400000004be3ecf5208b0ff4 LibClamAV debug: Initialized 0.95.3 engine @400000004be3ecf5208c1d7c LibClamAV debug: Initializing phishcheck module @400000004be3ecf5208c448c LibClamAV debug: Phishcheck: Compiling regex: ^ *(http|https|ftp:(//)?)?[0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}[/?:]? *$ @400000004be3ecf5208d000c LibClamAV debug: Phishcheck module initialized @400000004be3ecf5208d271c LibClamAV debug: Loading databases from /u01/var/clamd @400000004be3ecf5208d84dc LibClamAV debug: in cli_cvdload() @400000004be3ecf5208e34a4 LibClamAV Warning: *********************************************************** @400000004be3ecf5208e388c LibClamAV Warning: *** This version of the ClamAV engine is outdated. *** @400000004be3ecf5208e3c74 LibClamAV Warning: *** DON'T PANIC! Read *** @400000004be3ecf5208e5f9c LibClamAV Warning: *********************************************************** @400000004be3ecf5208e6384 LibClamAV debug: in cli_tgzload() @400000004be3ecf5208f8c64 LibClamAV debug: daily.cfg loaded @400000004be3ecf52092091c LibClamAV debug: daily.zmd loaded @400000004be3ecf5209262f4 LibClamAV debug: Initializing engine->root[0] @400000004be3ecf5209266dc LibClamAV debug: Initialising AC pattern matcher of root[0] @400000004be3ecf520928dec LibClamAV debug: cli_initroots: Initializing BM tables of root[0] @400000004be3ecf52097cdac LibClamAV debug: Initializing engine->root[1] @400000004be3ecf52097f4bc LibClamAV debug: Initialising AC pattern matcher of root[1] @400000004be3ecf52097f8a4 LibClamAV debug: cli_initroots: Initializing BM tables of root[1] @400000004be3ecf5209d53bc LibClamAV debug: Initializing engine->root[2] @400000004be3ecf5209d7acc LibClamAV debug: Initialising AC pattern matcher of root[2] @400000004be3ecf5209d7eb4 LibClamAV debug: Initializing engine->root[3] @400000004be3ecf5209d829c LibClamAV debug: Initialising AC pattern matcher of root[3] @400000004be3ecf5209da9ac LibClamAV debug: Initializing engine->root[4] @400000004be3ecf5209dad94 LibClamAV debug: Initialising AC pattern matcher of root[4] @400000004be3ecf5209db17c LibClamAV debug: Initializing engine->root[5] @400000004be3ecf5209db564 LibClamAV debug: Initialising AC pattern matcher of root[5] @400000004be3ecf5209de82c LibClamAV debug: Initializing engine->root[6] @400000004be3ecf5209dec14 LibClamAV debug: Initialising AC pattern matcher of root[6] @400000004be3ecf5209deffc LibClamAV debug: Initializing engine->root[7] @400000004be3ecf5209df3e4 LibClamAV debug: Initialising AC pattern matcher of root[7] @400000004be3ecf5209e170c LibClamAV debug: Initializing engine->root[8] @400000004be3ecf5209e1af4 LibClamAV debug: Initialising AC pattern matcher of root[8] @400000004be3ecf520a60e1c LibClamAV debug: daily.ndu loaded @400000004be3ecf520a67f64 LibClamAV debug: daily.ign loaded @400000004be3ecf520b2d78c LibClamAV debug: daily.db loaded @400000004be3ecf520b4c3bc LibClamAV debug: lsigattribs: Unknown attribute name 'Container' Fortunately I was able to roll back to the previous update which works fine. I've stopped freshclam updates on all working servers too. -- Toby _______________________________________________ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit