On Apr 16, 2010, at 11:16 AM, Giampaolo Tomassoni wrote:
The sysadmins could have done this by turning off freshclam...... and
saved themselves from having to deal with the upgrade.....
Who is the sysadmin of an unmanaged box?
The person who setup it up or the manager that decided that a single
visit from a consultant was sufficient.
If nobody had to turn off freshclam, why clamscan had to stop working?
In this thread I'm seeing a lot of people blaming the sysadmin. Is it
crowded by sysadmins who like to show they are much more competent
their colleagues?
Why, because all the whiners on the list have gotten the ire up listen
to people whine that their (making an analogy here) 10 year old car
they have not changed the oil or air filter or spark plugs in since
they bought from the dealer has not stopped working.
Why nobody from the ClamAV team likes to explain to *users* why they
to stop their own working clamscan, when there were tons of suitable
Because they used this solution to the problem which is their choice.
I personally do not let my ClamAV get more than 1 major revision
behind. And before you go on as say that is because I run new hardware
and distributions, I do not. My current OS is has not been supported
by the vendor in a LONG time. What does this mean to me? It means that
I AM responsible now for making sure all is well and requires more
attention from me. If owners want "unmanaged" systems, they should use
the money they are saving on management and upgrade the hardware /
software every couple of years. Then the systems can remain happily
unmanaged. If they want to have unmanaged systems AND no
responsiblilty.... well I want to be a billionaire but I do not
believe it is just going to happen......
Nobody here gave a serious rationale about it. The way "sysadmins" are
attacked here, seems to me that the 0.96 case has nothing to do with
software, but instead with marketing.
So please, the genius in the management who came out with this smart
may please came out and explain to us the why? Many people already
know the
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