On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 07:20 -0700, Dennis Peterson wrote:
> Erwan David wrote:
> > On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 01:55:14PM CET, Dennis Peterson 
> > <denni...@inetnw.com> said:
> >> Moray Henderson (ICT) wrote:
> >>>> From: Török Edwin [mailto:edwinto...@gmail.com]
> >>>>>> Try using <a href="..."> for the URL.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>> Is that a requirement? If so we should get the spammers on board because
> >>>> some of
> >>>>> them may not know this :).
> >>>> No, there are more places from where URLs can be extracted, but "<a
> >>>> href" is one that must work.
> >>> With modern email clients "helpfully" presenting text that looks like a 
> >>> URL as a real URL at the client end, SafeBrowsing really ought to check 
> >>> the plain text, not just within html tags.  http://pastebin.com/m13232c54 
> >>> may be just plain text when transmitted and scanned, but it's an "<a 
> >>> href>" by the time I read it: underlined, blue, and turns my cursor to a 
> >>> pointy finger with a pop-up box saying "Click to follow link".
> >> I don't imagine the world's premier spammers are sitting at their laptop 
> >> in 
> >> their shorts sending out thousands of spams with Thunderbird. There are 
> >> purpose 
> >> built products for this and can format the mail any way they wish.
> >>
> > 
> > What was said is that many MUA, *receiving* a mail with an URL in the
> > text will automatically create a link from it. It has bothing to do
> > with the sending software.
> > 
> > 
> I see - I think we're all recommending that ClamAV detect URL's regardless of 
> how they're presented in the message.

While the more opaque methods might be interesting, finding simple
plain-text links would be most useful. 

Thus far, running the Safebrowsing signatures for 2 days, I have not had
a single hit "in the wild", but I am not yet running it on the primary
MX.  On that same box, in the same time period, I have detected 211
distinct Sanesecurity signatures and one official one (Worm.Mydoom.M -
10 copies) amongst 607 infected mails.  My primary MX sees about 10
times the traffic, so we'll see if it is any better next week when I run
the released version, but for now it appears to be a bit of a bust.

Daniel J McDonald, CCIE #2495, CISSP #78281, CNX
Austin Energy

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