On 2009-03-01 20:43, Tom Shaw wrote:
> At 9:26 AM -0800 3/1/09, Bill Landry wrote:
>> Tom Shaw wrote:
>>>>>  What does this output:
>>  >>> $ echo PING | strace socat - /var/tmp/clamd.socket
>>>>>  $ echo -ne "nPING\n" | strace socat - /var/tmp/clamd.socket
>>  >> Edwin,
>>>>  OSX doesn't come with strace. I'll download a
>>>>  copy from sourceforge and report back.
>>>  strace reports no support of darwin :-(  Any other suggestions?
>>>  Tom
>> Does darwin support "truss" (man truss)?
> The equivalent is dtruss.

Ok, can you also run clamd under dtruss?
(Perhaps with an empty database, otherwise it takes ages, set
DatabaseDirectory to /tmp/db, and
create a single file /tmp/db/empty.db:

> pike:~ tshaw$ echo PING | sudo dtruss socat - /var/tmp/clamd.socket
> write(0x3, "PING\n\0", 0x5)            = 5 0
> select(0x4, 0xBFFFF2C8, 0xBFFFF348, 0xBFFFF3C8, 0x0)           = 2 0
> dtrace: error on enabled probe ID 1741 (ID 13125: 
> syscall::read:return): invalid address (0x58000) in action #12 at DIF 
> offset 52
> shutdown(0x3, 0x1, 0x3)                = 0 0
> select(0x4, 0xBFFFF2C8, 0xBFFFF348, 0xBFFFF3C8, 0xBFFFF4DC)            = 1 0
> dtrace: error on enabled probe ID 1741 (ID 13125: 
> syscall::read:return): invalid address (0x58000) in action #12 at DIF 
> offset 52
> shutdown(0x3, 0x1, 0x3)                = -1 Err#57
> ioctl(0x1, 0x802C7414, 0x800CFC)               = 0 0
> shutdown(0x3, 0x2, 0x3)                = -1 Err#57

This is strange, so there is data available on the socket (select
returning 2, resp. 1), but
there is something wrong when socat calls read.
Does this work with netcat, if you enable TCPSocket 3310?

P.S.: we should continue this in a bugreport, please open one.

Best regards,
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