On 2009-03-01 19:17, Tom Shaw wrote:
> At 10:55 AM -0500 3/1/09, Tom Shaw wrote:
>> At 3:04 PM +0200 3/1/09, Török Edwin wrote:
>>> On 2009-03-01 14:57, Tom Shaw wrote:
>>>>   At 6:16 PM -0800 2/28/09, Bill Landry wrote:
>>>>>   Tom Shaw wrote:
>>>>>>    Some issues:
>>>>>>    socat ran fine on 0.94.2 but on 0.95.rc1
>>>>>>    echo PING|socat - /var/tmp/clamd.socket
>>>>>>    is silent yet I can type
>>>>>   Tom, are you sure that is the correct path to your clamd.socket?  Just
>>>>>   curious, because socat if working and responding with PONG fine for me
>>>>>   when I PING my clamd.socket with 0.95.rc1:
>>>>>   clamscan -V
>>>>>   ClamAV 0.95rc1/9047/Wed Feb 25 02:59:41 2009
>>>>>   echo PING | socat - /var/amavis/clamd.sock
>>>>>   PONG
>>>>   Yes, that is correct port in conig, and same port that was working
>>>>   fine in your "unofficial script" and same port used with
>>>>   File::Scan::ClamAV and, like I said socat works if I type PING in
>>>>   from the terminal.
>>>>   All the above worked fine on 0.94.2 as is a carbon copy of the
>>>>   operational system. With 0.95, File::Scan::ClamAV works fine:
>>>>   Sun Mar  1 07:38:38 2009 -> stream(127.0....@1812):
>>>>   Sanesecurity.Dipl.8334.UNOFFICIAL FOUND
>>>>   as does clamdscan:
>>>>   $ clamdscan ~/
>>>>   /Users/tshaw/Library/Mail/Mac-trshaw/Drafts.imapmbox/Messages/1434.emlx:
>>>>   Eicar-Test-Signature FOUND
>>>>   I am totally confused,
>>> What does this output:
>>> $ echo PING | strace socat - /var/tmp/clamd.socket
>>> $ echo -ne "nPING\n" | strace socat - /var/tmp/clamd.socket
>> Edwin,
>> OSX doesn't come with strace. I'll download a
>> copy from sourceforge and report back.
> strace reports no support of darwin :-(  Any other suggestions?

Enable 'Debug yes', and 'Foreground yes' in clamd.conf, then redirect
output to a file, like so:
$ /usr/sbin/clamd >log 2>&1&

Then do the socat test:
$ echo PING | socat -  /var/tmp/clamd.socket

Then open a bugreport and attach the logfile.

Best regards,

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