Nigel Horne wrote:
> Folks,
> 0.95 RC1 was published on Wednesday 25/2/09.
> It would help us a lot to see if this problem still exists in the new
> ewlease if as many people as possible were to test this release
> candidate by downloading it from If you have a test
> machine/model/network please help us by loading ClamAV 0.95RC1 and
> testing it.
> All bug reports should be filed at
> The full release of ClamAV 0.95 is scheduled for 16th March.
> Thank you for your continued support and help,
> -Nigel

Hi Nigel,

ClamAV 0.95rc1 compiles and installs fine on Fedora 10.  However, the
"clamscan -d" test now appears to be more restrictive in what it finds
and reports as "malformed".

I have created a file of what was not detected with the ClamAV 0.94.2
version of "clamscan -d", but is now detected as malformed with the
ClamAV 0.95rc1 version of "clamscan -d".  The only file that reported
errors was SecuriteInfo's securiteinfo.hdb signature database file.  The
reported malformed lines can be viewed at:

and an updated version of the file with the malformed lines removed is
available at:

Before I report this to Arnaud Jacques (of SecuriteInfo), could these
now reported malformed lines possibly be the cause of the clamd crashes
some of us have been experiencing?


ps, I've cross-posted this to both the SaneSecurity and ClamAV-Users lists.
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