I can appreciate both sides.  However, the general opinion I have heard
seems to echo what I would expect, and that is that the product let me know
if there is an error.  Whether that be in a log file, an GUI display, or an
email message are just ways of implementing that solution.

Yes many operate with "out of the box" configurations.  Should these not get
an indication of an error just because they don't know how to fix it?

For the sake of the low(non-existing) budget install and implementation, the
software should provide "Some" sort of reporting that an error occurred.  I
agree that "Silent" failure is a general failure since most will not know
that a failure has/is happening.

I am not sure that there is a "Best" way, but the option(s) to setup either
way or ways should be implemented and configurable without the need to get
another software product (that may need to be purchased) to support this

Just my opinion,


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dennis Peterson
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 11:05 AM
To: ClamAV users ML
Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] [0.0] Re: Handling of unknown configuration
lines (was Re: Stop it!)

Charles Gregory wrote:
> On Sat, 4 Oct 2008, Eric Rostetter wrote:
>>> The principle of least surprise says....
>> But it is a big surprise when the action that old line was supposed to
>> is no longer taken... 
> But NOT as big a surprise as NO FILTERING AT ALL. That's the sticking
> point here. Unless we are all expected to tempfail mail when ClamAV
> aborts, and then deal with irate users who have been waiting all weekend
> to get their critical mail, then ClamAV should NOT abort unless it very
> literally cannot figure out what to do. And honestly, is it really that
> hard to have it interpret the *old* config items for a release or two?

ClamAV can fail for a number of reasons having nothing to do with 
configuration changes. What is your default policy for mail processing 
in the event of a ClamAV failure (Tempfail or at-risk delivery)? What 
have you put in place for notification and recovery in the event of a 
ClamAV failure? If this is done right you should have no problems 
recovering from config file changes.

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