On 2008/10/03 05:57 PM James Kosin wrote:
> Colin Alston wrote:
>> I've had enough now, and I want all you ClamAV people to listen up.
> Hay, maybe the packagers could write a script or something to indicate a
> problem with the current configuration when it is being installed.  Then
> users could take the appropriate action ASAP instead of finding out or
> having to check the logs on an hourly basis for problems.
You're (by you I mean everyone agreeing here with how ClamAV fails) 
assuming users install packages. That's old fashioned.
Most people distribute updates with Puppet and such tools 
automatically. With a largely complex system (which a good mail system 
can very easily be) the amount of man hours required to audit change 
logs of every single update with the frequency of updates required for 
tools specific to security (which ClamAV certainly is) is simply not 
feasible. You're asking on top of the distribution maintainers for end 
users to sit and audit each change. On Ubuntu for example there can be 
as many as 30 to 50 updates a week.

While many (well, all) package management tools *do* have 
configuration upgraders, they can only do so well at trying to 
negotiate a merge between custom configurations and your own. This 
doesn't work well at all in automation.

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