
Last night clamav terminated with this logfile informations:

Mon Jun 23 22:02:43 2008 -> SelfCheck: Database modification detected.
Forcing reload.
Mon Jun 23 22:02:43 2008 -> Reading databases from /var/lib/clamav
Mon Jun 23 22:04:53 2008 -> ERROR: reload db failed: Unable to lock
database directory (try 1)
Mon Jun 23 22:07:03 2008 -> ERROR: reload db failed: Unable to lock
database directory (try 2)
Mon Jun 23 22:09:13 2008 -> ERROR: reload db failed: Unable to lock
database directory (try 3)
Mon Jun 23 22:09:13 2008 -> ERROR: reload db failed: Unable to lock
database directory
Mon Jun 23 22:09:13 2008 -> Terminating because of a fatal error.
Mon Jun 23 22:09:13 2008 -> Socket file removed.
Mon Jun 23 22:09:13 2008 -> Pid file removed.
Mon Jun 23 22:09:13 2008 -> --- Stopped at Mon Jun 23 22:09:13 2008

I found some old postings about that problem, but i must have missed
the sollution. Can someone give me a hint?

It is possible to tell clamav, it should try to reload it's database
for a longer time?
'/etc/init.d/clamav-daemon start' started clamav without problems (no
stale lockfile).

System is Debian Etch.
clamav package: 0.92.1~dfsg-1volatile2
(I know, 93.1 is the newest version, but i haven't found hints, that
this is the real reason for this. The problem occured with much older
versions too.)

# clamd --version
ClamAV 0.92.1/7546/Tue Jun 24 01:40:35 2008

# ls -lad /var/lib/clamav
drwxr-xr-x 4 clamav clamav 4096 Jun 24 09:58 /var/lib/clamav

# ps auxw| grep clam[d]
clamav    1916  0.6  1.7  81212 46072 ?        Ssl  09:58   0:18 /usr/sbin/clamd

Thanks in advance,
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