no answer does mean: there is no chance to change it?

Marcus Neukert schrieb:
> please take a look at the following scenario:
> I receive a zip-archive containing more files than configured in 
> MaxFiles. the files at the end of the archive (after the limit) are 
> viruses. the scanner will abort the scan when reaching the 
> max-files-limit and will return CL_CLEAN. i have no information from the 
> scanner that the scan is aborted and not all files have been scanned.
> but in my use-case I need this information. I think the scanner should 
> return the corresponding error-codes (CL_EMAX*), that the application 
> has the posssibility to handle it. applications which are not interested 
> or annoyed by these errors can ignore it.
> Marcus Neukert
> aCaB schrieb:
>> Marcus Neukert wrote:
>>> Forwarding to clamav-users-list, hoping for an answer ...
>> Please take a look at
>> -aCaB
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Marcus Neukert
Softwareentwickler - Development Services
Tel. +49-721-91374-3943 · Fax +49-721-91374-2740

1&1 Internet AG
Brauerstraße 48
76135 Karlsruhe

Amtsgericht Montabaur HRB 6484

Vorstand: Henning Ahlert, Ralph Dommermuth, Matthias Ehrlich, Thomas 
Gottschlich, Matthias Greve, Robert Hoffmann, Markus Huhn, Oliver Mauss, 
Achim Weiss
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Michael Scheeren
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