please take a look at the following scenario:
I receive a zip-archive containing more files than configured in 
MaxFiles. the files at the end of the archive (after the limit) are 
viruses. the scanner will abort the scan when reaching the 
max-files-limit and will return CL_CLEAN. i have no information from the 
scanner that the scan is aborted and not all files have been scanned.

but in my use-case I need this information. I think the scanner should 
return the corresponding error-codes (CL_EMAX*), that the application 
has the posssibility to handle it. applications which are not interested 
or annoyed by these errors can ignore it.

Marcus Neukert

aCaB schrieb:
> Marcus Neukert wrote:
>> Forwarding to clamav-users-list, hoping for an answer ...
> Please take a look at
> -aCaB
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Marcus Neukert
Softwareentwickler - Development Services
Tel. +49-721-91374-3943 · Fax +49-721-91374-2740

1&1 Internet AG
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76135 Karlsruhe

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Vorstand: Henning Ahlert, Ralph Dommermuth, Matthias Ehrlich, Thomas 
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