Dennis Peterson writes:
 > But we know from the volumes of spam and viruses now approaching 
 > if not exeeding 90% that you are the exception, not the norm.

spam yes, viruses..... not so much. our experience has been that
email-borne viruses are way, way down: yesterday's logs from one of
our mail gateways said there were about 15 viruses caught in something
more than half-a-million email messages.

phishing is up, of course, but viruses (i'm one of those folks that
mentally files phishing under 'spam') are way down. 

rick pim                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
information technology services                          (613) 533-2242
queen's university, kingston   
"How many men you got 'ere, Colonel?"
"Oh, 7,000 infantry, 600 artillery, and 2 divisions of paratroops."
"Paratroops, Dino!"  "It'd be a shame of someone was to set fire to dem."
"Set fire to them?!"
"Fire's 'appen, Colonel."  "Fings's burn..."

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