Joe Sloan wrote:
> Dennis Peterson wrote:
>> Ben wrote:
>>> On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 4:37 AM, taj home <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> please dont email me.
>>> I'm not emailing you.
>> I think he's suggesting that he'd prefer you not mail him because of 
>> your idiot policy on outgoing virus scanning.
> Come now, that's uncalled for - "idiot policy"? please.

As a mail server administrator I get to say anything I like about sender 
policy. Especially when it is idiotic.

>> I agree with him. I'm sure 
>> I'm not the only one who would blacklist you right now because of your 
>> policy if we knew your outgoing smtp IP.
> In general viruses are a windows phenomena, part of the hidden cost of 
> using microsoft software. Perhaps his shop is like ours - all unix and 
> no microsoft software anywhere, ergo no viruses, end of story.

I don't care. And you're completely wrong, of course.

> It's not unthinkable, there actually are places where microsoft software 
> is not used.

Doesn't matter - there's no reason to suspect that all viruses originate 
from Windows. Could I have your outgoing smtp IP please?

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