Dennis Peterson wrote:
Dennis Peterson wrote:
Jim Maul wrote:
somebody else wrote:
Gee, I downloaded this package for clamav and installed it and now
there are all sorts of other things that still need to be done to get
it working correctly. Maybe clamav developers could work with the
package maintainers to make this process go more smoothly?
This is precisely a request for help and for someone, anyone but him, to
build a product to his specification. Your statement is made illogical
by your example.
Says who, you? Sorry, but I really couldn't care less about what you
have to say. By the way, it was a SUGGESTION, not "precisely a request
for help" as you seem to think.
It was the ? at the end of your statement that gave it away. That forced it
away from a suggestion to an actual beseeching.
Thank you for your overly literal take on my post. Is this a question?:
Adding a ? to the end of a sentence does not magically turn the sentence
into a question. At least not one thats meant to be responded to as
one. One can make a suggestion in a questioning manner in such a way
that they are not actually looking for an answer to the question.
Take this brief conversation for example:
Customer: When im driving and my car reaches 50mph, my steering wheel
shakes badly.
Mechanic: Well there could be a couple things wrong that would cause that.
Customer: Maybe its my new tires I just had installed?
Would you take this to mean that the customer is actually asking if the
new tires are at fault? It makes more sense to take this as the
customer is SUGGESTING to the mechanic that MAYBE the tires are at fault
and that it would be a good starting point to begin troubleshooting the
problem. Just like the OP was suggesting that maybe the clamav team
could work with package maintainers to make the process of installing
clamav from packages more consistent/user friendly. If the clamav team
does not like this suggestion, they are free to ignore it and if they do
like it, then maybe something will be done with it some day. Either
way, the OP in no way deserved the insults and harassment he received.
From Webster's
One entry found for beseech.
Main Entry: beseech
Pronunciation: bi-'sEch, bE-
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -seeched or besought /-'sot/; -seeching
Etymology: Middle English besechen, from be- + sechen to seek
transitive verb
1 : to beg for urgently or anxiously
2 : to request earnestly : IMPLORE
intransitive verb : to make supplication
synonym see BEG
- beseechingly /-'sE-chi[ng]-lE/ adverb
I like the synomym offered.
Thats nice. I like pizza.
Nothing to see here, people, let's get back to work.
I've been working all day, but thanks for the permission.