Jim Redman wrote:
I no longer possess the desire to build Linux systems from scratch, or
to customize them so heavily that I cannot benefit from the work of
some of the greats in the community, although I may occasionally
humbly make suggestions that I think might be of benefit (some of
these are not necessarily accepted as such).
<more snippage>
I have to agree with the general request made by Jim. Unfortunately,
most of us end user sysadmins have a lot on our plates. Compiling is not
that hard, but it is definitely harder than using something like an RPM.
And as the config file is normally not replaced, setting things up the
way you want it normally is left alone. I really can't imagine trying to
keep up with a full linux server these days with all the security
issues, if I had to compile each and every update to each and every
program... thus the success of distros such as Redhat, Suse and Debian
to name just a few.
I personally run CentOS for all my systems. I use the dag repository for
many additional packages, ClamAV being one of the main packages. I find
his ClamAV RPM works right out of the box, and is updated as needed,
which allows the use of yum or up2date to keep Clam updated. But his
repository is aimed at Redhat.
I have to compliment the ClamAV team for providing a great list of other
sources for obtaining ClamAV. Perhaps taking a careful look there first
is something we should all consider, if that resource has been overlooked.
Thanks for a great product.
John Hinton