Even after I create this directory by hand and make it owned by clamav, group clamav clamav-milter still quits with this same error. Stranger still, clamav-milter or something, removes this directory and then complains it's not there.
I'd be really happy if someone had some ideas here, this is driving me nuts restarting clamav-milter every day or so. Michael Grant On 11/1/06, Michael Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yes, that dir does exist and is owned by clamav, group clamav. I tried mkdir /var/db/clamav/daily.inc to see if it was expecting a dir and not a file. Can anyone confirm what clamav-milter is expecting here? So far, one hour later and it hasn't quit again but sometimes it goes for several days. Michael Grant On 11/1/06, Dennis Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Michael Grant wrote: > > Clamav-milter is quiting on me. It seems to be that daily.inc doesn't > > exist. Can someone please tell me how to create this file? > > > Does this directory exist and if so is it writable by the user your > process runs as? > > /var/db/clamav/ > > dp > _______________________________________________ > http://lurker.clamav.net/list/clamav-users.html > >
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