On Wed, 21 Jun 2006 19:11:44 -0400
Nicolas Riendeau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >>[eg Joke.local.EricssonHoax:0:*:(61|41)(6e|4e)(6e|4e)(61|41)... ]
> > 
> > 
> > This thingy's not going to work, sorry.
> It doesn't work but the thing I don't understand is why... According to the
> docs that syntax is supposedly acceptable and some stock signatures even
> seem to be built in a similar way...

The first two bytes must be 'static', so "(61|41)(6e|4e)" must be replaced
with two hex numbers (so you may need to use four separate signatures or
rely on the normaliser as suggested by aCaB). This limitation should be
removed with the next major version of ClamAV (0.90).

   oo    .....         Tomasz Kojm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  (\/)\.........         http://www.ClamAV.net/gpg/tkojm.gpg
     \..........._         0DCA5A08407D5288279DB43454822DC8985A444B
       //\   /\              Thu Jun 22 09:42:25 CEST 2006

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature


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