aCaB wrote:
Nicolas Riendeau wrote:
It is part of the message (which could be in text/plain or text/html)...
[there is a risk that QP or base64 could make it not work I guess (does
Clamav takes care of this?) but the test file I'm using doesn't use
Yup, Clamav will decode that.
At least for attachements it does...
To be sure my signature would match I made an extended signature with a
"TargetType" of "0" (which seems to include the others) and an offset
set to "*" *any)
[eg Joke.local.EricssonHoax:0:*:(61|41)(6e|4e)(6e|4e)(61|41)... ]
This thingy's not going to work, sorry.
It doesn't work but the thing I don't understand is why... According to the docs that
syntax is supposedly acceptable and some stock signatures even seem to be built in a
similar way...
If it's HTML just use a proper TargetType and rely on the ClamAV html
normalizer which will turn all the text into lower case.
If not, bad luck. :(
I'm trying to block hoaxes sent by email which could be in plain text or in html so I
can't rely on the HTML normalizer.