On Monday 24 Apr 2006 13:26, Leonardo Rodrigues Magalhães wrote:
> Steve Basford escreveu:
> > In order to optimize the use of my bandwidth for the unofficial
> > phishing signatures, I want to put up a few
> > example scripts on the main page of my site that users should use to
> > download the phish.ndb file.
>     I know this is a silly suggestion, but why not gzip/bzip2 the
> signatures file ??? That would, for sure, save a LOT of bandwidth usage
> from your servers !!!
>     I have download phish.nbd now and it has 256735 bytes. bzip2ing it
> took the file to 35111 bytes. gzipping with --best option took it to
> 46424. In the worst case (gzip), you would be saving more than 210k per
> download !!!!!
>     Maybe you can keep both versions (compressed and uncompressed) for
> some time and decide a final date for stop keeping the uncompressed one.
>     How about that ?

or rsync?
compression as part of the protocol, and only transfers the diffs ;-)

sanesecurity.com would need rsync daemon running.

Bob Hutchinson
Midwales dot com

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