> > Sites were hot at the time the messages were received, so either my concept 
> > of how ClamAV blocks phishing is wrong or the detection method is not as 
> > generic as I would have thought.
> >
> Generic fishing signature can be done... but... they are very difficult 
> to get right, without any false positives.

That might be right, but the creator of the Phihsing signatures 
(Sven) is pretty serious about what he is doing. So far I only have 
recognised one FalsePostive, which was blocking a specific kind of 
spam with a Phishing signature. I submitted a few FP examples and, I 
think it was less than a day later, the problem was resolved.

> > Also, I would add that I have submitted a few of these phishes to ClamAV's 
> > virus submission and they all seem to get discarded without comment.
> >   

Very bad, I had the same problem, so at one step I decided to send 
the creator of the Phishing sigantures a private message with a link 
to all my undetected Phishings and he looked at it and two days later 
he did a pretty big update adding signatues for almost all my 
signatures and cleaning house with a lot of old submissions. I am not 
sure how the process is working, but if you submit samples, you can 
chose "Phishing" and I guess in the first place we will only look at 
those mails. I am not sure how to decide which sigantues will be 
added in the first place. I also had a lot of positive experiences as 
some actual Phishings were added within hours to the signatures. I am 
getting access to a big archive of Phishing mails today and I will 
check them and see, which still aren't detected by ClamAV and submit 

> Basically, ClamAV is there to project you from viruses, Trojans and then 
> fishing attempts (roughly in that order).   Signature makers are very 
> busy doing virus signatures... after all, I'd much prefer to have a 
> virus stopped than a fishing attempt.

There is a signature maker, that si only doing Phishing signatures, 
so that's not true, that he is busy doing virus signatures, but the 
virus siagnture makers also don't care a lot about old viruses 
anymore. ClamAV still doesn't ctach all variants of a Parite.B 
viruses and a lot of other stuff. I got hundreds of unblocked 
viruses, worms and variants etc, which are detectec by commerical 
products and those are files, that are available from public VX 

> Having said that, I've come up with my own un-official signatures, 
> designed to catch fishing attempts that ClamAV official signatures let 
> through.  Not everyone will want to use them... after all, do you trust 
> me to do signatures? 

I do trust you to do signatures, I even gave you a lot of mails, but 
I think you should really remove the signatures of the mails, that 
ClamAV already detects and you should also submit your undetected 
mails to ClamAV or Sven directly.

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