Hi there,

On Tue, 20 Dec 2005 C. Andrews Lavarre wrote:

[901 lines of garbage about top-posting trimmed - I'm on the digest.]

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# which clamscan
> /usr/local/bin/clamscan
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# cd /usr/local/bin/
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# clamscan -V
> ClamAV 0.87.1/1211/Fri Dec 16 17:51:35 2005

No point in changing directory unless the value of your PATH variable
starts with a dot.  Did you use DOS once?  :)

Under Linux, you don't necessarily get what you think you get when you
change directory and run a binary like that.  DOS (and for all I know,
Windoze too) will first look in the current directory for an executable
but Linux won't, unless it's been told to.  My guess is that it hasn't
in this case.  To be sure which binary you'll be running (unless you're
sure which binary you'll be running:) you need to give the full path.

[519 more lines snipped.  Sigh.]


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