xasoft xa soft said:
> hello.
> first I'm sorry because I don't speak english, but I have a problem with
> freshclam.
> this is my question, when I update clamav (./freshclam) I see in the
> console
> :
> ERROR:Can't get information about user clamav.
> what  can I do?
> thank you
> Xavi Comes
> _______________________________________________
> http://lurker.clamav.net/list/clamav-users.html

Freshclam has a config file, freshclam.conf. In that file is a section:

# By default when freshclam is started by root it drops privileges and
# switches to the "clamav" user. You can change this behaviour here.
DatabaseOwner clamav

Perhaps yours is slightly different than this, but the important part is
that if you have not changed this definition then freshclam expects there
is a user account on your system for user "clamav". If you have not
created this account you will see errors.

You need to change this definition to a real user or add a clamav account
to your system. Do not use root here or if you are running Windows, do not
use an adminstrative account as these accounts have far too many
priviledges and can potentially cause problems.

Also be aware that there is a similar definition in the clamd.conf file
and because these processes use common files it is in your interest to
make the clamd and freshclam users the same. The clamd.conf file looks
like this in my case:

# Run as selected user (clamd must be started by root).
# By default it doesn't drop privileges.
User clamav



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