Brian Morrison wanted us to know:

>> And it would be nice to obtain the currently loaded database from the
>> daemon without having to parse the log files.
>clamscan -V

That's not what he's asking.  That only tells you what version of the
database clamscan finds and loads when you run it.  That doesn't say
what version of the database the running clamd is using.

clamav-milter prints in the headers which version of the database it's
using.  sigtool --version prints which version of the database it finds,
as does clamd --version.  But none of that actually connects to the
running clamd and queries the running version.

What he needs to do is write a perl script that connects to the local
clamd socket and prints "VERSION" and then look at the resulting reply.

If only Linux's telnet could talk to a socket like BSD's.  It would be
so simple.  I bet a bit of perl to do that would be pretty simple too.
That sounds like a good project...
Regards...              Todd
  We should not be building surveillance technology into standards.
  Law enforcement was not supposed to be easy.  Where it is easy, 
  it's called a police state.             -- Jeff Schiller on NANOG
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