On Fri, 19 Aug 2005 17:31:17 +0200 in

> On Fri, Aug 19, 2005 at 08:26:05AM -0700, Todd Lyons wrote:
> > What he needs to do is write a perl script that connects to the
> > local clamd socket and prints "VERSION" and then look at the
> > resulting reply.
> NACK, clamd accesses the database file as well when VERSION is
> received on the socket, and reports back immediately the new database
> number even if it has not been loaded according to the log.

Except that then it will have been loaded and this information will
have been entered in the log. Clamd only reloads the database when it
has some work to do, clamdscan -V being "some work" obviously.

You might ask the developers to change the database reloaded message to
include the version number, as long as that doesn't break anything I
don't see why this should not be done.


Brian Morrison

bdm at fenrir dot org dot uk

GnuPG key ID DE32E5C5 - http://wwwkeys.uk.pgp.net/pgpnet/wwwkeys.html

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