On May 04, 2005, at 11:44, Nigel Horne wrote:

On Wednesday 04 May 2005 16:35, Dale Walsh wrote:

I asked Tomasz to place an installer on his webpage so you Mac OSX/
Tiger fans can update to the latest version with digital signature
support without too much difficulty but at the moment he doesn't want
to offer MacOSX support on the ClamAV site so I'm not sure what the
next move should be.

A couple of us use MacOS/X, but neither have access to 10.4 so for the
moment there is no "official" support for 10.4. I have 10.1, and A. N. Other
has 10.3. Speaking in a personal capacity I'd love to also support 10.4, but
for the moment, while I remain out of work, I can't afford the price of the
upgrade so all my tests will continue against 10.1. Sorry :-(

-- Dale


If it will help and you'll cover the cost of shipping, I'll send you Original Apple 10.4 Server install CD's, I have several extras.

-- Dale

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