followup from yesterday.

some of the responses i received yesterday suggesting increasing
the -m (max-children) switch on clamav-milter. i was running
  clamav-milter -PHl --postmaster=root -m 64
i increased this to:
  clamav-milter -PHl --postmaster=root -m 96
and restarted clam late yesterday afternoon.

this morning it failed again, with the same symptoms as before:

May  4 10:47:00 sennit sendmail[20697]: [ID 801593 mail.error] j44Eh0F6020697: 
Milter (clamav): timeout before data read
May  4 10:47:00 sennit sendmail[20697]: [ID 801593] j44Eh0F6020697: 
Milter (clamav): to error state

both clamd and clamav-milter processes were still running. 

two things:

   - i have freshclam running via cron at xx:37 -- this failure started
     about ten minutes after a freshclam run. yesterday's failure also
     started about ten minutes after a freshclam run. coincidence?

   - other suggestions from yesterday included adding the "--external"
     switch to clamav-milter. i've reset -m and added --external and 
     restarted. current command line is:
       clamav-milter -PHl --postmaster=root -m 64 --external
     it's working (viruses are appearing in the postmaster mailbox
     and being logged. we'll see if this configuration remains up.


rick pim                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
information technology services                          (613) 533-2242
queen's university, kingston   
"We are Earth's only chance! We must fight and die like famous heroes! 
Fight for a world that perhaps considers us, that considers us all, well,
let's say, perhaps, goofy!"
                    -- Flaming Carrot

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