Words by Damian Menscher [Sun, Apr 10, 2005 at 09:34:58AM -0500]:
> On Sun, 10 Apr 2005, [iso-8859-2] Róth Tamás wrote:
> >sigtool -l | wc -l
> >32207
> >
> >sigtool -l | uniq | wc -l
> >31912
> Actually, it's worse than you think.  Try piping through sort before 

Worse? How come worse?

> sending it through uniq, and you'll find another 400 duplicates (you 
> only saw 300, but there are actually 700).

Jose Celestino                    | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PT.com / DTP                      | Direccao de Tecnologia de Produto
Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo, 40    | Administracao e Desenvolvimento de
Edificio Picoas Bl. A, 3o Piso    | Sistemas UNIX - OMG
1069-300 Lisboa - Portugal

gpg key fingerprint : D3F3 B47B F20C 3B1E 488C B949 1B8B 8141 07B1 363B


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