I have redhat 9.0 server, sendmail 8.13 comes
alongwith it, consigured and working properly.
I ahve installed and configured 'clamav-0.80' as
directed in clamav HTML documentation at site.

While testing there are two options :
[            root]#clamscan -r -l
/root/clamav-0.80/scan.txt clamav-0.80

works properly and stores logs in
'/root/clamav-0.80/scan.txt' properly.
But while running command :
[       root]# clamdscan -l /root/clamav-0.80/scan.txt
It gives following error:
/root/clamav-0.80: Access denied. ERROR
/root/clamav-0.80: OK

I have created 'clamav' as user and group.

'scanned files must be accessible for clamd'. Please
guide me how to impliment this and where.

Thanks for support.

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