Hi, I have redhat 9.0 server, sendmail 8.13 comes alongwith it, consigured and working properly. I ahve installed and configured 'clamav-0.80' as directed in clamav HTML documentation at site.
While testing there are two options : [ root]#clamscan -r -l /root/clamav-0.80/scan.txt clamav-0.80 works properly and stores logs in '/root/clamav-0.80/scan.txt' properly. But while running command : [ root]# clamdscan -l /root/clamav-0.80/scan.txt clamav-0.80 It gives following error: /root/clamav-0.80: Access denied. ERROR /root/clamav-0.80: OK I have created 'clamav' as user and group. 'scanned files must be accessible for clamd'. Please guide me how to impliment this and where. Thanks for support. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard. http://promotions.yahoo.com/new_mail _______________________________________________ http://lists.clamav.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/clamav-users