Brian Morrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> "Julian Mehnle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Trog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > Please give a full definition of Spam and Malware/Viruses that do
> > > not intersect, and will never intersect for all future Spam and
> > > Malware such that we can be sure we know what you are requesting.
> >
> > The definition of what _I_ would like ClamAV to detect is:  anything
> > that poses a technical thread, no matter whether it also poses a
> > social/fraud threat or not.  That's a clear enough criterion, isn't
> > it?
> That depends on your definition of 'technical' doesn't it?

"technical" := "affecting the technical systems involved in storing and
transporting the data items subject to being scanned by ClamAV".

"technical threat" := (go figure...)


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