On Wed, 2004-09-29 at 11:21, Paul Boven wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Bogusław Brandys wrote:
> >>>> This is not an isolated case.  The virus submission page must be 
> >>>> changed to run the latest RELEASED version of clamav.
> Seconded. I run an up-to-date release version of ClamAV (0.75), there 

The current stable version is 0.75.1

> are virusses getting trough, but I can't submit them because 0.80rc3 
> would have recognised them. And we know clamav 0.75 would be able to 
> detect these given specific examples.

Your clairvoyance astounds me.

You are free to add your own signatures to spot your samples. They
almost certainly wouldn't catch any other samples of the same virus


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