
> I have a serious issue with the current way virus samples are submitted.
Right now, many viruses, such as the currently-spreading jpeg virus (see
http://www.easynews.com/virus.txt) are detected by 0.80rc# or by some CVS
version.  But we can't be expected to run those on production servers.
> Yes, I understand that 0.7x can't do a heuristic check for the jpeg
exploit.  However, it *can* look for this particular file (get your free
copy from  http://easynews.com/virus/virus-jpeg.zip), and a signature should
be released.
> This is not an isolated case.  The virus submission page must be changed
to run the latest RELEASED version of clamav.

I totally agree.
It is great to know, that some soon coming version will detect things better
and can detect generic problems instead of single viri only.
However I have somehow the feeling, that right now our servers are under
attack and we are left in the rain alone.

Maybe, development could be split into two parts: engine and program host.
Then updates to the engine (to accomodate new virus signature types) could
be added, while the program can be developed more slowly.

I like clam-av very much, but knowing, that I got a virus that was happily
detected by McAfee some weeks ago and that I tried to submit to the clamav
team, is still not detected by my server and may still hit my customers is a


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