On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 15:49:57 +0100 in

>   Not specifically in reply to you, Bill, but has anyone complaining
>  actually thought of:
>  1) Reading the README.

Did that, everything worked first time for me except for me leaving an
unrecognised option of StreamSaveToDisk in clamd.conf, entirely my
fault. The work of moments to fix it.

>  2) Stopping bloody complaining and saying thanks. The 'confusion' on
>  the list regarding clamav.conf in previous threads is probably why it
>  was renamed. You're the ones who asked for it.

No confusion here, but thanks a million to all the developers anyway.

I look forward to seeing how I get on with this new version, so far it
seems to be quite happy and freshclam has not complained either.


Brian Morrison

bdm at fenrir dot org dot uk

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