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What about a freshclam cache.

Many users probably have several if not many servers all running clamav.
If we had a freshcached daemon running on a secure server we could point
all other servers to that cache. Or better yet have that daemon notify a
list of clamd's on different machines that there is an update. There are
pros and cons with all the suggestions so far but I think this one has
more pros than cons. Also it should not be to hard to implement and give
us time to come up with a better approach.

If we currently have four servers checking every hour. With a cache, just
one update (through both our and clamav's valuable banmdwidth) causes four
machines to get updated. The other three only eat up internal network
bandwidth. Since clamd has support for digital signatures all the internal
servers can be happy that the cache is actually dishing out good stuff.

Using this we could even change the update rate to once every 15 minutes
and still use the same bandwidth.

If internal notification is problematic ( or even just meantime to get it
going) the internal servers could poll the cache checking every 5 minutes.

Although there are lots of pros and cons :-

You lose the cache -> no server updates
Losing your secure server -> you are in bigger trouble than just not
getting mail

There is one thing I like about this ; with the updates controlled by one
process, the clamd updates can standardise. Changing the update mechanism
only means changing the freshcached code.

On a standalone system a clamd process would have its own freshcached

Do it the unix way -> "split the problem into separate processes that do
their job and only their job the best way possible".

Jim :-)

Dr James Allen
GnuPG key : ftp://ftp.heartsine.co.uk/hst_gpg_public_keys/jim.allen.hst.gpg.asc

Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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