Hello Nigel,

Wednesday, June 16, 2004, 6:08:19 PM, you wrote:

NH> They look like sendmail messages. What messages are you
NH> seeing from clamav-milter? Is a startup message
NH> being logged?

    what do you mean by that? what startup message?
NH> You will need to add "LogSyslog" to your clamav.conf first.

>> 355944 srwxrwxrwx  1 root    clamav      0 Jun 16 17:44 clamd.sock

NH> Given that you've made the socket publically writeable, how
NH> to you know another user isn't sending
NH> data down it?
  i made such permissions to be sure that all my troubles became not
  from it.

Best regards,
 linz                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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