> From: Crucificator [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ...
> I am really annoyed.


In my experience on mailing lists one can only expect a helpful answer if
the question is (a) short and (b) contains all pertinent info on your
particular setup (what MTA you use, etc.)  Your original question satisfied
(a) but not (b).  In fact, I don't believe you stated what MTA you use in
any of your posts.

I'll assume you're using sendmail since that's what I'm familiar with.

If you're using sendmail you'll need a milter like MIMEDefang or amavisd-new
to act as the glue between SMTP and anti-virus.

If you're using postfix/exim/etc., there's probably some other way to call

[EMAIL PROTECTED]                805.964.4554 x902
Hispanic Business Inc./HireDiversity.com   Software Engineer
perl -e"print join er,reverse',','l hack',' P','Just anoth'"

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