
> Have you tried to locate or find *.cvd?  Are there other copies somewhere?

yes, there are also files located in /usr/local/share/clamav/. These could
be from a former installation. But the new directory is /var/lib/clamav/.

> What about:
> sigtool -l|grep SomeFool
> [SomeFool list]
> Do you have SomeFool.Y listed?

No, clamscan seems to use the wrong signature files as I state in an
earlier mail.

> have you tried clamscan -m <message>?

That makes no sense and no difference ;-) ... The file is not in mbox
format but the real *.pif containig the virus.

> Thats because clamscan doesnt use clamav.conf  only clamd/clamdscan

Is there _any_ good reason for that? Why can I configure a alternative
DatabaseDir for clamd and freshclam, if clamscan isn't using it? Sorry,
but that seems to be a mistake in concept. Either there has to be a config
file for clamscan as for the others, or clamscan has to use options out of
clamav.conf to operate correctly.

Please tell me if I'm completely wrong, but the actual state is


Andreas Haase
EastLink GmbH
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