> Second: is there a database for clamav with descriptions of the
>> viruses?  I wondered if some kind of user-supplemented database could
>> be used online, and *there* have the aliases, rather than bulk up the
>> antivirus database with aliases and pseudonyms.  If you see a virus
>> hit, you could refer to the online site and check for AKA's of the
>> virus name (as well as information of what the viruses are capable of).
>>   Just an idea...
> I've considered suggesting just such an idea myself.  Most AV vendors do
> have information about the viruses listed in their databases (what it
> does, what it infects, how to prevent and how to clean if possible).
> Along with current outbreak info.  While that would be a big task for
> the core developers, I'm sure there'd be a few people in the Clam
> community who could submit this information.  A Wiki type interface
> would be perfect for this.

Could it be an idea to request possibility to list an alias in the output.
For example if one is running both f-prot and clamav, and want one
statistic. Then you might want to tell clamav to list the f-prot alias in

Or maybe somewhere else get the alias to use as input when running your
favourite statistic-tools.

Could this be achieved by having a table for aliases for the different
Then you could even name the virus with a serialnumber and the statistics
would never need to start again after a namechange.

Just an idea, have not thought to deep about this.


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