* Fajar A. Nugraha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [20040315 06:20]: wrote:
> Michael Torrie wrote:
> >In another escalation of the arms war, the latest variant of
> >password-encrypted archive virus now distributes itself in an encrypted
> >rar file, and the password is an attached bitmap to eliminate the
> >possibility of using the password in the body of the message to open the
> >archive in antivirus programs.
> >
> > 
> >
> An interesting fact on ChangeLog:
> Thu Mar 11 21:50:32 CET 2004 (tk)
> ---------------------------------
>  * libclamav: rar: added support for encrypted archive (Encrypted.RAR)
>              detection

Tomasz is really upto this!! Thanks Tomasz (Kojm).

> >At his rate, I give e-mail another year of usefulness.  So much for the
> >usefulness of attachments too.  Thanks a lot spammers and virus
> >writers.  The good news is we'll have to replace SMTP with a better,
> >more robust, and more secure system.

> Changing a well-known system is hard. I'm trying to replace telnet with 
> ssh and ftp with sftp for some time now, for a small community, and still 
> haven't 100% successfull.
> Mainly due to the fact that most user still use M$ Win and it don't have 
> builtin clients for ssh or sftp.

Just get them putty.exe for ssh then close the telnet port.
Where you download putty.exe, there are other FREE clients.

       - wash 
Odhiambo Washington                     . WANANCHI ONLINE LTD (Nairobi, KE)  |
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"Oh My God! They killed init! You Bastards!"  
                                                 --from a /. post

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