
I'm on the way to build up a multilanguage info site about clamav and the viruses known by clamav. The code is in PHP and the license will be GPL

Right now implemented: (almost nothing)

- GNU gettext i18n

To be done in the next few days:

- import of sigtool -u in a MySQL|PostgreSQL Database
- Tracking of new Database inputs
- Form to enter additional information what a particular virus is doing (Password protected, authorized users only?)

The goal is actually, that end-users can query a database to check if a particular virus is allready recognized. The r/o mailinglist is not very comfortable for endusers, especially, if they do not speak english.

What are you thinking about my plans?

To get the task easier done, I'll request a new feature: Timestamp in the database...

After a implementation of the basic features, I'll let you know about a test URL



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