On Sunday 01 February 2004 4:06 am, Ola Thoresen wrote:
> Sun, 01 Feb 2004 at 10:54 GMT Thomas Lamy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> > Could you check clamd's memory consumption before and after the check,
> > and quarantine mails which cause more than 10% memory increase? Would be
> > _really_ helpful.
> clamd has now been running fine since I started it in the foreground in a
> screen last night (local time).
> Right now it is consuming about 12 MB ram:
> (from 'top'):
>  5635 clamav    16   0 14640  12M 13124 S     2.5  2.5  19:52   0 clamd
> This is what it does all the time.  This server is scanning 5 - 50 mail
> every _second_, so it is quite hard to se how much memory a single scan
> uses, but the problem does not seem to be a constant leak of memory.
> The problem is that after a while, it will suddently start to use all
> available memory, and after a few seconds the oom-killer will start
> killing of processes, until clamd is killed.
> We can the restart it immediately, and it will run happily for a while,
> until the same bug is triggered.
> As soon as I see this again, I will try to isolate the last "few" mails
> and see if I can spot anything suspicious.
> Rgds.
> Ola Thoresen

Ditto here. I've got around 10000 mailboxes and a few emails per second. 
Unfortunately it manages to lock my servers hard. Although I was using 2.4.19 
and I'm not sure how good the OOM killer is.

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