> wouldn't it be great to have some kind of virus description library like
> NAI's VIL at <http://vil.nai.com/vil/default.asp> for ClamAV? Are there
> any efforts to create one? May I help? Do you think we need one for
> ClamAV?

There is a search on ClamAV (or at least there was right before the website
changed).  If you go to the main site, the links for "Submit Sample" and
"Search" both go to the Submit Sample cgi.  I used the ClamAV DB search to
verfiy names for my Amavisd-new routine to suppress Bounce for known
forgers.  I specifically recall searching this to find what names ClamAV
assigned to viruses like Brid / Braid / Bride.

Not sure what became of it, or if it is only unintentionally not on the
ClamAV site.

-- Seth

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