On Wed, 19 Nov 2003, Marino, Santiago Maximiliano wrote:

>Pat! thanks...
>but i have 2 problems..
>1) i don't know speak english...
>2) Now, all is running ok! but i have other error ..
>/var/run/clamav.sock: Connection refused
>Can't talk to clamd server via /var/run/clamav.sock
>Check your entry for LocalSocket in /etc/clamav.conf

  Hi Santiago. Please make sure you try to read all the clamav docs
fefor you go too far. it will help you with these questions. And you
will learn better!
 You english is fine, dont worry about it.

As root create the socet like this:
touch /var/run/clamav.sock

Then try to start it.


*  Pat Masterson  B38-01,  Northrop Grumman,     *  Ham:KE2LJ
*  South Oyster Bay Rd. Plant 1.                 *  President Grumman Amateur
*  Bethpage, NY 11714                            *  Radio Club  WA2LQO
*  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Fone: 516-346-7125   *  www.qsl.net/wa2lqo

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