Hello Clamav-users,

I donīt know if anyone already came up with this or if itīs already on some ToDo i 
didnīt read - if so: please have mercy :-)

while i was playing arround with KAV i noticed that they offer 3 different signature 
sets (normal, advanced, paranoid). I think thatīs a pretty smart concept and maybe 
could  implemented into clamav as well. The basic idea is to divide the database into 
some smaller files. Like one for viruses, one for trojans, one for construction kits, 
one for exploits and one for other malware (like cracks, adware, ect.). The advantage 
could be:

- smaller downloads, less traffic for the update server (at the moment the database is 
pretty small (as in filesize) but it will grow)

- the admin can make his choice what to filter - in some countries it can be a problem 
to mark a dialer as malware - even if it is a pest. An exploit (for a so called "proof 
of concept") isnīt always unwanted by the recipient. And a construction kit isnīt a 
virus - even if it can build them - it wont directly harm the recipients system. On 
the other hand - an admin of a company network can include the malware database cause 
he donīt want any kind of threat inside his network. So the admin can choose if he 
wants to include the databases in the scan or not - it also could improve the 
performance on heavy-loaded mailserver i think.

So - what do you think?  

Short FAQ:

Q: Do you have any idea how much work it is to code this.
A: No.

Q: Cool, why donīt you code it?  
A: Cause C is first of all a vitamin to me an i only heard of people     that do 
programmes with it. :-)

Best regards,
 Christoph                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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